A New Year's Resolution

Last year my sewing resolution was to make items that were useful to my wardrobe. I didn't foresee at the time that I would be making a lot of maternity clothes.

My most worn handmade items were a pair of black twill maternity pants, a couple of maternity dresses, and a few t-shirts.

The pants were a pair of Sewaholic Thurlow trousers made maternity friendly simply by replacing the waistband with a 3" piece of elastic in a knit casing. I also made them with a slim leg instead of the flare leg on the pattern. They were great until the end of my pregnancy when nothing but dresses seemed to fit comfortably. And since I'm still far from my pre-pregnancy size I foresee that I'll be pulling them out again when I go back to work in a few weeks.

My favorite dress was a mid-calf length version of Burda 6956. I probably wore it once a week ever since I made it.

I made Megan Nielsen's maternity t-shirt 3 times. I wore the printed version the most, but here's a picture of me in the coral one (about 22 weeks pregnant, when pregnancy was still cute).

This year my sewing resolution is to use more fabric than I buy. I'm going to keep track of yardage sewn and fabric purchased to hold myself accountable. So far I've sewed up 3 yards of activewear knit to make 3 tops and I've ordered 4 yards of fabric. I'm already behind!

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